Adam Barner (~1743 – ~1820)
In Memory of
Adam Barner, I
A Pioneer settler in Perry County Territory and a Soldier in the Revolutionary War
Migrated from Switzerland in 1758, Locating between Philadelphia and Lancaster.
In 1767, he settled on the farm on which Barner’s Church is now located.
He married the widow of John Bunn. They had two sons. One son Henry, located in Sugar Valley, Clinton County, Pennsylvania. He married Susanna Bunce. His other son, George Barrner, married a miss Dubbs and remained in the vicinity of Barner’s Church, where most of his descendents have resided unto this day.
George Barner, a son of Henry Barner, returned to this vicinity about 1820, married Lydia Lahr, and many of his descendents also reside in the vicinity of Barner’s Church.
(Source: Memorial located at Barner’s Cemetery, Barner’s Church, Liverpool, Pennsylvania)
Adam Barner was born in Switzerland and emigrated to America in early manhood before the period of the Revolution. He was hired out for 7 years to pay for his passage across the ocean. When the Revolutionary War broke out, he was pressed into military service, and continued in the army until the close of the war, after which he settled in (what is now) Liverpool Township, Pennsylvania.
(Source: Commemorative Biographical Encyclopedia of the Juniata County)
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